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DIRECTIONS: Spray Bike Magik Aluma Kleen on a dry surface starting from the bottom and working up. Let stand 1-5 minutes (depending on severity of oxidation). As product begins to run re-treat exposed areas. Rinse or wipe off before product dries. If streaking occurs, reapply. Extremely corroded surfaces may require additional attention, agitation or more dwell time before rinsing. For a mirror finish apply Motorcycle Metal Polish.

NOTE: Remove overspray on glass and painted surfaces immediately. For best results, use Motorcycle Cleaner prior to applying aluminum cleaner to remove surface grease.

INDICATIONS: Vaporisez; cela permet au produit de mousser (laissez-le agir 15 secs à 5 min selon le degré d’oxydation), essuyez ou rincez. Si les rainures restent obstruées, appliquez de nouveau le produit. Le produit mousse à nouveau ce qui assure la même vaporisation. Les surfaces extrêmement oxydées peuvent nécessiter une attention particulière, plus de frottements. Pour un fini miroir, suivez le mode d’instruction du lustrant pour métaux Bike Magik. NOTE: Ne répare pas les dommages causés sur du métal piqué. Retirez les débordements et repeignez immédiatement la surface. Pour un meilleur résultat, utilisez le Qwik Kleen de Bike Magik pour retirer la graisse.

Overall Customer Rating of 2 Reviews:
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<p>This worked great, It took a few minutes to do its magic but the results were awesome. I found after 2 to 3 applications it cleaned up nicely.</p>

Columbus, Ohio

No need for acid ....

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  • quick
  • %20easy
  • still%20have%20to%20polish%20the%20polished%20stuff
  • Bike%20Majik%20metal%20polish%20did%20that%20fine
While doing some research about ways to clean the wheels on my Fatboy I found a site that talked about acid washing..... I guess it is supposed to do a great job, but you have to neutralize the acid after and then you risk getting it places that you don''t want... etc. I searched for alternative products and came across Aluma Kleen. The web site only lists one dealer in Ohio (in Celina), but I found it at Iron Pony in Columbus. Man this stuff is GREAT. Even the little holes around the outside of the rim cleaned up, with no polishing or q-tips, and you don''t have to worry about neutralizing acid. What a great product!! I''m sold.